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Meet Joe From M.E. Flow #MEFlowJoe

Joe from M.E.

By now, you may have seen the new M.E. Flow commercial, and you’re wondering who is Joe. You might even be wondering why the housewives are so eager and happy to see Joe. And how Donna, in our call center, is handling all the calls for Joe!! Well…the wait is over—here’s the skinny on Joe.

Before I share Joe’s story with you, I want you to know it’s not only the housewives calling in for Joe–it’s everyone!!

Why We Chose Joe

When we hire, we look for certain qualities and traits, like those outlined in a recent article in the Huffington Post titled 10 Traits of Exceptionally Charming People. Personally, I think most people would rather do business with charming and likable individuals.

Joe Is All That

As the saying goes—he’s all that and a bag of chips, too! He is quick-witted, charming, and who doesn’t like a nice smile!

Too Witty and Too Fun?

When we hired Joe, some thought he might be too funny and that customers would not take us seriously. Really? Although we like to have fun, we take our work seriously. We are known as the heating, cooling, and plumbing company that gives our customers the best quality and value. So, all kidding aside… I’m sure you will grow to love Joe as much as we have!!

Call us today at (571) 350-3183 or visit us online.

Thank you for your continued support. On behalf of the M.E. Flow family– Heidi!
