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Replacing AC Units Using R-22 Refrigerant | Virginia HVAC Contractor

man working on unit

Not sure if you should repair or replace your old HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system — take the quiz!

For many of us this will happen…one day your old air conditioning system will be working fine, the next day it will be blowing hot air or not working at all! Before you shell out your hard-earned cash to fix your home’s AC system— including adding refrigerant (Freon) — you may want to consider replacing it—especially if it’s older and uses R-22 refrigerant. It really could save you enough cash to pay for an extended summer vacation!

repair or replace HVAC quiz

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Why This is Important

If your air conditioner is over ten years old and uses R-22 as the refrigerant. The price of R-22 is skyrocketing resulting in significantly higher repair bills. In 1987, the EPA ordered the phasing out of certain ozone-depleting refrigerants and R-22 —the refrigerant used by older AC systems. Being that we are now in the last few years of R-22 being completely phased out—the cost has gone through the roof!

R-410A is now the accepted refrigerant and the Environmental Protection Agency is recommending that any older existing air conditioners requiring a refrigerant repair be considered for replacement.

Sticker Shock! Yes, there is no question—you will have it —if your AC system needs freon! But more importantly …before you top it off….why is your older AC system leaking refrigerant? Filling it without knowing why it’s leaking is like filling a flat tire without finding and fixing the leak! Depending on how many pounds your unit may need, it could be the money to extend your summer vacation!

Here is the repair or replace HVAC quiz if it’s time to replace your system. If you are interested in getting a FREE quote to upgrade your heating and air conditioning system, using the accepted R-410A refrigerant, just phone our office at (571) 350-3183, ask for a QUOTE TO REPLACE YOUR SYSTEM and we will arrange for a comfort consultant to come to your home at your convenience and provide all of the appropriate information so you can make an informed decision.

M.E. Flow has many financing options and /or rebates for replacing your heating and air conditioning system.

Hope this article will help you when on the fence to replace or repair your HVAC system. If you have any questions or would like some help determining the assessment of your equipment an M.E. Flow home comfort advisor can help you! We can tell you what it will cost and what your potential saving will be with a newer, high efficiency unit. Click here for the repair or replace HVAC quiz!

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Click this link for frequently asked questions about the phase out of R-22 in home air conditioners.
